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Husbands Speak Out: 7 Pitfalls that Kill Off Love, Intimacy and Desire
What isn’t your husband telling you? It might be costing some of the love, joy and satisfaction that’s possible in your marriage.
During years of study, research, interviews, and workshops, husbands shared the ways they saw love, vitality and partnership draining from their relationships with their wives. Though no conscious fault of their own, many women are doing exactly the opposite of what will bring them the intimacy and connection they desire.
Within the pages of Husbands Speak Out: 7 Pitfalls that Kill Off Love, Intimacy and Desire, you'll learn how these common behaviors might negatively impact your marriage, and the people you most love and care for.
Each page will reveal:
- the consequences to your own health and happiness
- why continuing to take the same actions won’t improve your situation
- the surprising and heartwarming things husbands have told us
- tips on what to do instead, and how to get better results